Moving mouth sock mask of an evil pumpkin with attached burlap scarecrow hat trimmed with raffia. Evil terrifying Pumpkin head sculpt. The sock mask design with the latex sitting on top of the sock allows the actor the capacity to make the mask move simply by making facial expressions. The sock acts a buffer for the actors skin to the latex adding to the comfort. Very comfortable to wear with excellent visibility.Perfect as a decoration for haunted mazes.
Moving mouth sock mask of a pumpkin with attached burlap scarecrow hat trimmed with raffia. Lifelike pumpkin head sculpt with straw hair. The sock mask design with the latex sitting on top of the sock allows the actor the capacity to make the mask move simply by making facial expressions. The sock acts a buffer for the actors skin to the latex adding to the comfort. Very comfortable to wear with excellent visibility.Perfect as a decoration for haunted mazes.
Evil Pumpkin with elastic strap and raects under black light.. Don't go into the cornfield! Harvester is waiting for you! This Mask looks great in the light and in the Dark. UV Black light reactive effect is perfect for any corn maze, huant or black light porch instalation! This incredible creepy sculpt done by Mikey Rotella.